Establishing Business Identity

How To Answer The "W" Questions About Your Business

Forget About Marketing-your business needs a Foundation First. Here are some key questions you need to answer if you want your business to succeed.

Create your businesses digital identity.
Yeah this is AI generated and contains lots of text errors... so fun.

Why Does Your Company Exist?

What Is Your Company Mission?

There has to be a reason you're doing business. Are you in it because you need the money or want to get rich? Those are totally valid reasons, but if they become your sole purpose, you might achieve them at the expense of your customers or employees. What is the higher reason for your business’s existence? Maybe you need to provide for your family, help your neighbors, or build something bigger than yourself. To fully commit to your business, it needs to mean something to you. If your purpose is genuine, it will resonate with others too.

Why Do You Want To Accomplish?

What Is Your Company Vision?

So, where do you want to go? You are the only one limiting your potential. Start as big or as small as you like—your vision doesn’t have to stay the same.

The most important thing is to have a goal that pushes you beyond what you currently have. You should feel a bit of weight on your shoulders when making this decision—it's a commitment. Remember, your vision can be abstract; it doesn’t need to be backed by numbers or make perfect sense, but you must still work hard to achieve it.

Who Do You Provide Services To?

What Is Your Target Market? (Tip: You Can Have As Many As You Like)

What common demographics make up your first, second, and third best customers? This can include everything from music taste to annual income. List it all. Do this for individuals, businesses, or both, depending on whether you're a B2C or B2B company.

When you understand your target market, you’ll be able to empathize with them better. Knowing what matters to someone allows you to help them more effectively and efficiently.

How Are You Different?

Who Are Your Competitors?

Hate to break it to you, but if you're starting a business, chances are someone else is already doing the exact same thing. And if they are, that’s a good thing.

Knowing your competitors is a requirement for being in business. You’re not only trying to outdo them in price, speed, or quality but also learning what works for them. If a competitor exists, it means the business idea is viable. New ideas are great, but if no one else is doing it, there's a higher chance it might fail.

Hey, Lets work on a project together!