Building Visual Brand Identity

Start Standing Out In A Crowd

Your business needs visual appeal. Colors and fonts are basic tools you can use to stand out and be noticed.

Picking Colors

As Long As You Have Something It Doesn't Really Matter

There are pink plumbing companies... think about that for a second. Now unless there is something that I don't know about plumbers I'd say that pink is not the first business color the average homeowner would guess for a plumbing company. Do they stand out? Heck yes!

Visit and hit space bar until you find two colors that you like that complement each other well. It's that simple. Choose one primary color and one accent color. In addition to these, use a black or near-black color and white. Be sure to copy the hex codes for the colors you like.

Create your businesses digital identity.
You want to always have the code on hand, Color Name means almost nothing.

Picking A Font

Stay Simple, Unless You Don't Want To

Just like anything else in life, you can mess this up. I recommend selecting a maximum of two different fonts: one very easy-to-read sans-serif font, like the text you’re reading now, and possibly one decorative font, like the 'R' in the Rockfish logo.

Lucky for you google has a huge library of downloadable and browseable fonts that you can choose from. I recommend using Google’s services because they are free and open source. If you prefer to pay for a font, you can look it up online, but I find the free options are great.

Try finding fonts with google!
This is the same service we used to get our fonts!
Hey, Lets work on a project together!